Generational Segmentation Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know
3/21/2018 RRD

Generational segmentation helps marketers understand consumer trends broadly — but sometimes it feels like we’re lumping everyone together based solely on the year they were born. Despite the countless articles about generational trends, you may still be surprised by some of the statistics about different generations and their media habits.
Here are a few that stood out to us:
- Almost 75% of Millennials would rather spend money on experiences than things. (Sprout Social)
- 40% of people ages 18-36 use their phones to stream video, but only 15% of people over the age of 36 do. (Forrester)
- YouTube is the preferred social media platform for 75% of Generation Z — but for only 8% of Baby Boomers. (The Center for Generational Kinetics)
- Almost 80% of Generation Z says it’s acceptable for a celebrity to talk about why they like or use a brand. In many cases, they’ll choose to trust an internet celebrity, such as YouTube vloggers or Instagram influencers, over a mainstream one. (Adweek and Defy Media)
- However, the youngest generation isn’t necessarily all digital. In fact, Generation Z prefers shopping in-store more than Millennials do. (CrowdTwist)
- The same number (64%) of Generation Xers read printed newspapers and magazines as those who read the news or periodicals digitally. (Salesforce via eMarketer)
- Almost half of people ages 22 to 45 (Millennials and Gen Xers) aren’t watching any content on traditional TV.
For more information about the four generations influencing marketing today — Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z — check out our blog. We offer a cheat sheet on each group’s background, technology habits, and attitudes.
Understanding what these demographic groups have in common is vital to planning your multichannel marketing strategy. However, generational segmentation is only the first step to targeting. When taking the quiz, many people discover they don’t fit the mold of their group. It’s a healthy reminder that the most effective way to target is beyond the broad strokes and to reach consumers on a personalized, individual level.