Navigating the Complex World of Customer Data Platforms and Partners

8/25/2023 Daniel Towers

Navigating the Complex World of Customer Data Platforms and Partners

Traversing the complex world of customer data platforms (CDPs) can be overwhelming. The constantly evolving landscape, brimming with acronyms, can easily leave you confused — especially as you engage with potential providers.

But as you research CDPs to develop a strategic approach and make informed software investments, you'll need to master the following terms.

Data types explained

Let's begin by deciphering the four primary data types:

Zero-party data: Coined by Forrester Research, this term refers to data that customers deliberately and proactively share with a company. It's valuable information willingly provided by customers, such as survey responses, shopping preferences, and communication choices.

First-party data: This is data collected directly by a company from its customers. It encompasses demographics, purchase history, website and app usage, email engagement, and more. The goldmine of customer insight, it's used to tailor strategies and meet customer needs — and it's subject to consumers' privacy preferences and data-subject rights.

These first two data types may seem straightforward — after all, they come directly from your customers. Many companies, however, struggle to integrate them across their various isolated systems, from marketing and CRM systems, to point-of-sale and contact center databases.

Second-party data: This data is supplied by partner companies with the consumer's disclosed consent and includes social-media profiles, cookies, and retargeting information. It can also refer to first-party data that two or more parties decide to share on a "private" basis for mutual benefit, meaning that no one else can access or view it. It requires mutual customer records and shares only the segment of customers you have in common with your data partners.

Third-party data: This comprises data not directly collected from customers, and is often used by companies for marketing purposes.

Data-management platforms

A recent shift toward prioritizing first-party data due to its value has resulted in increased demand for data-management software and platforms. So let's explore some common data-management platforms:

Customer data platform (CDP): Software that combines data from multiple sources into a single, centralized customer database, encompassing all interactions and touchpoints.

Data management platform (DMP): Software that gathers, organizes, and activates second- and third-party data from various sources for targeted advertising. Unlike a CDP, a DMP tends to focus on external data.

Customer data marketing platform (CDMP): Similar to a DMP, but a CDMP also features cross-channel marketing capabilities. It not only stores marketing data but it also efficiently deploys it across multiple channels.

Customer relationship management (CRM): A tool to manage company interactions, communications, and customer details. CRMs come in operational, analytical, and collaborative categories.

Data warehouse: A system designed for business intelligence, housing historical, derived, and metadata along with query resources.

Once you're familiar with the primary data types and the common data-management platforms, it's time to focus on finding a partner to assist you in next steps. No matter the platform, a single tool won't magically solve all your data challenges. Seek a partner equipped with tools to address your specific needs and educate you along the way. While there's no universal solution, there are partners who can guide you with their expertise and support.

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