Self-Service Content Management Solution Optimizes Member Communications | Financial Services

RRD’s content management solution and change management process enhance mortgage lender’s required regulatory letters
A leading mortgage lender faced limitations utilizing a third-party software company to support content services, including data analytics and borrower communications. Utilizing this software, the lender’s required member communications — primarily in letter form — were template-based, which left little flexibility for formatting changes or content personalization.
The lender sought an external vendor to help facilitate a self-service means of making letter content changes without supplemental IT resources. Additionally, the lender sought a change management process to facilitate changes made within days of production.
The lender called on RRD’s Business Communication Solutions experts to replace the third-party software with a self-service solution. The content management solution enabled both self-service and collaborative letter management, both of which exceeded the lender’s requirements.
The RRD team first completed a comprehensive analysis of the lender’s existing 150 letter templates and associated content. They then custom-designed the content management solution to manage all letters within a single templated touchpoint.
RRD used the lender’s active letter samples and data layouts to create the content management solution design. Working as an integrated unit, internal client teams aligned closely with RRD’s Project Manager, Business Analyst, and IT support to meet all project timelines.
The content management solution enabled the lender to self-service letter content changes, removing previously needed IT support from their workflow. Additionally, an implemented change management process made changes available to production within 2-3 days. Additional results include:
- Reduced reliance on IT to support regulatory compliance
- Ability to self-service letter content changes in a timely manner
- Enabled lender to communicate required regulatory changes to members in a timely manner