RRD Talks Digital Content Delivery on the Entrepreneur Podcast Network
3/27/2019 RRD

In an episode of Enterprise Radio on the Entrepreneur Podcast Network, Tim Reedy, President of RRD Business Communications Solutions, connected with host Eric Dye to discuss RRD’s product innovations in the area of confidential, digital content delivery.
Here’s our synopsis of the topics discussed. Listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here.
Digital content delivery continues to evolve with platform innovations. How can new technology create an integrated, seamless business environment for users?
When we think about business communications, we often don’t think about emerging technology. But consumers are engaging with technology at varying levels and degrees, and we need to meet them where they are in this journey — and future-proof technology so we’re staying ahead of “what’s next.” It’s all about breaking down technology silos.
Ultimately, our focus needs to be on the content, not the container. But what does that mean?
As an outsourcer of confidential documents, we receive information through our patented DC+ platform that allows us to follow our customers’ pathways and bring context to all the different data elements. Rather than using that to print and mail documents, we can tap into data to elevate communication.
For example, we can take a mobile wallet offering and go beyond typical payment transactions by allowing documents (like invoices) to be delivered and paid from this platform. And, SuperDoc gives users a deeper understanding of documents so they can understand what content they actually own. Documents can be delivered directly to users’ cloud platforms, including Dropbox or Google Drive.
And, going back to the point about integration and removing silos, a voice assistant tool can give users the power to launch that convenience across an entire platform.
How can technology be leveraged to meet consumers where they are on their digital journeys?
Consumers are at various crossroads in their digital journeys depending on how they engage in technology, and how deeply, so it’s important to be there for them along that pathway with tools they can readily put into use and build upon as they need.
People have different goals. Some want to drill down into documents and compare information so they can get answers. Others want to deploy voice response systems. There are plenty of consumers looking for all of the above.
What’s neat is, innovations make it possible for consumers to easily mine data from documents so they can make better decisions — and use voice assistants for tasks as simple as asking, “How much is my water bill?” Again, it’s all about meeting the customer where they are on this journey.
How can companies that want to embrace emerging technologies benefit from turnkey innovations that are ready to deploy?
When a business takes on a major data integration project, the effort can be a resource drain that requires tremendous planning and time for implementation. Not to mention, often businesses are operating on disparate platforms that must be integrated, along with transferring data contained in spreadsheets or printed documents. What’s the solution?
Enough businesses have tried to build solutions themselves and failed. Or, they’ve ended up with piecemeal solutions or mere upgrades that don’t fully serve their needs. What they want is a solution they can launch across the organization that brings all the data into one platform. That’s what RRD’s DC+ platform provides in a turnkey way, because there’s little to no integration pain, and the time-to-market is significantly faster.
Digital, print or both? Will digital channels merge with print, or replace it?
Digital will not replace print — and with so many communication channels available now, the focus needs to be on the content, not the container. It goes back to knowing your audience and how they want to receive information. How do they want to consume the data? What makes them more comfortable, digital, print or a combination?
And let’s not forget voice delivery and video. There are a host of communication delivery channels in today’s market that expand the way we can reach consumers and really meet them where they are.
What’s next in business communications as we look three to five years into the future?
Innovation never stops. Consider three years ago, when the issue was whether documents were arriving in your postal box or email inbox. That’s not the case at all today, and the digital universe will continue to expand as consumers and businesses grow even more comfortable communicating this way.
The key is to be prepared to deliver information in the ways customers want to receive it.
That means developing new channels to distribute content and augment information. It also means tapping in more deeply to the payment space and to meet customers’ needs and adhere to evolving regulations. Customer communications will only continue to get more dynamic, interactive and engaging.
Editor’s note: This Enterprise Radio episode first aired on the Entrepreneur Podcast Network on October 25, 2018.