Growing Reading Program Upgrades Materials Management | Education

1/6/2021 RRD

Growing Reading Program Upgrades Materials Management | Education

RRD improves efficiency and consistency of core materials for highly successful reading program 


In 2006, researchers at an internationally renowned Canadian hospital for children developed a series of reading intervention programs designed to assist children and adolescents with reading and spelling difficulties.

The core materials of this effective reading program includes posters, teachers’ presentation manuals, instructional manuals, student workbooks, binders, and student readers. Also included are interactive in-class tools such as rhyming doors, vowel alert stoplights, learning trees, game plan wheels, word webs, and sentence strips. 

There are five versions of materials kits that are based on age bands, and each kit contains approximately 20 unique items. The organization in charge of the program sought a reliable supplier to manage production, management, delivery of the learning programs’ materials.  


RRD’s solution involved complete project management and production of the educational program. The RRD-developed project plan included a consistent, reliable timeline:

  • April/May: annual program requirements supplied to RRD 
  • June/July: on-site proofing and production 
  • August: customized kitting  
  • Early September: phased distribution to school boards across Canada

Multiple RRD capabilities were involved, including premedia, digital wide format, commercial print, warehousing, inventory management, kitting, and logistics. RRD sourcing services are also involved in the production of specialty items. 

With access to knowledgeable staff and document processes — resulting in confidence and consistency in the event of a personnel change — the client would also benefit from RRD’s creative and flexible product solutions in prototyping and construction.


RRD continues to provide high-quality products and responsiveness to issue resolution during all stages of the materials management and production. The program has grown as additional school boards purchase the program and is now expanding internationally.

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