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How to implement electronic invoicing in El Salvador

November 10, 2020 | by Karla Peña | Technology

Woman wearing an apron using a tablet for a transaction

Much has been speculated about the new electronic invoicing in El Salvador, the Ministry of Finance has maintained great secrecy about it and only a previously selected client base is now in the development process to report their taxes in this totally digital format. Today we explain first-hand the steps to follow so that you too can join digital and electronic invoicing.

As RRD El Salvador, we approached the Ministry of Finance, specifically the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) to answer the most common questions about this new form of tax reporting.

  1. What is electronic invoicing in El Salvador?
    The electronic invoice is an electronic document that supports transactions for the sale of goods and / or services issued, delivered and stored in fully electronic media and formats, through a billing process that uses procedures and information technology. Due to its electronic nature, it consists of a data file written using a common programming language, which does not have a particularly formal design but rather responds to a computer structure that must meet at least the formal requirements established in the Tax Code for each type of tax. document.
  2. What are the requirements that taxpayers must meet to implement electronic invoicing?
    To start the electronic invoicing process, participating companies must have the will and commitment to adhere to the project, belong to the category of Large taxpayers, be solvent with their taxes and comply with the work plan established by the tax administration.
  3. What is the first step to carry out an electronic invoicing implementation in El Salvador?
    We are currently in the pilot plan phase. Taxpayers who meet the requirements noted above and who wish to request authorization to use the electronic invoicing system can be authorized to do so by individual resolution. In the current phase of the electronic invoice pilot plan, we work directly with each of the participants in a personalized way.
  4. When will the pilot plan for electronic invoicing be completed and will it become overcrowded?
    Once the legal reforms to the Tax Code are approved to fully integrate the electronic invoice project, the massification or implementation phase will depend on what said reforms establish in their transitory provisions, when they are approved, so the massification will occur later. of said process.
  5. RRD El Salvador is a provider of digital and electronic billing services. What is the operating model authorized by you for service providers?
    Within the operating model of electronic invoicing that is used in the country, the actors of the model are: issuing taxpayer, receiving subject and the DGII, in that sense, the obligations must be fulfilled directly by the taxpayers before the Tax Administration and the responsibility before Non-compliances will be of these, leaving the companies that wish to provide these services, such as RRD El Salvador, free to contract with their clients and will respond to them in accordance with common legislation.

RRD El Salvador for more than 60 years in El Salvador is a printing company authorized by the Ministry of Finance for printing continuous forms related to tax documents. That is why we want to give confidence and security to our current and potential clients, offering the services associated with the electronic invoicing process, always complying with all the legal requirements indicated by the General Directorate of Internal Taxes with our PIVOT platform of which we have discussed in other post.

PIVOT specializes in generating and sharing electronic documents (digital invoice or electronic invoice) of our clients with their clients through different channels such as email, SMS or WhatsApp, thus maintaining fluidity in communication and compliance with tax legal requirements of each country where we operate.

We are committed to constant innovation to stay at the forefront of the market and providing you with world-class solutions at a local level so that you can communicate at all times with your customers, we build your success together with RRD's printed and digital communication solutions.

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