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Corporate social responsibility at RRD

October 27, 2020 | by Grace Menjívar | About RRD

Man standing on a large rock overlooking a green valley surrounded by mountains

For more than 60 years RRD has supported Central American companies to connect with their customers through print and digital communications. To measure our overall performance and continue to operate effectively, we are committed to the well-being of society and the environment, through Social Responsibility.

And it is that the development of this concept and its particular pillars for each organization, have become a highly valued practice both internally and externally, and there are even clients who give weight to this development to decide to do business . Today we want to share with you some of those pillars that are lived within the RRD culture and that we consider to be part of our organizational success worldwide.

The diversity and inclusion in organizations are essential to build a high performance culture that attracts and retains the best talent, so you must create a workplace in which the behaviors, practices and policies promote respect, inclusion, utilization, professional development and success in all forms of diversity.

The sustainability of operations in organizations is built on the guarantee of health and safety in the activities and practices of talent, clients and the general public, in addition to the protection of the environment . The commitment to comply with all national and international policies related to safety, health and the environment, to reduce associated impacts should be a priority.

Respect for the principles of ethical business conduct is one of the pillars of CSR, they are based on the values ​​of honesty, fairness and integrity. Ensuring these principles in the conduct of all employees, guarantees effective relationships with our customers, suppliers and all interested parties.

The secret is to identify what values each company wants to carry as a banner of its corporate social responsibility and work to communicate and internalize it in all employees, so that it has a positive and significant impact on adding value to our customers.

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